wig [WebApp Information Gatherer]

wig identifies a websites CMS by searching for fingerprints of static files and extracting version numbers from known files.
OS identification is done by using the value of the 'server' and 'X-Powered-By' in the response header. These values are compared to a database of which package versions are include with different operating systems.
There are currently three profiles:
1. Only send one request: wig only sends a request for '/'. All fingerprints matching this url are tested.
2. Only send one request per plugin: The url used in most fingerprints is used
4. All fingerprints: All fingerprints are tested
Help screen:
# wig.py --help
usage: wig.py [-h] [-v] [-p {1,2,4}] host

WebApp Information Gatherer

positional arguments:
  host        the host name of the target

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -v          list all the urls where matches have been found
  -p {1,2,4}  select a profile: 1) Make only one request - 2) Make one request
              per plugin - 4) All
Example of run:
# python3 wig.py www.example.com

CMS                  Drupal CMS: [7.25, 7.24, 7.26, 7.23, 7.22]
Operating System     Microsoft Windows Server: [2008 R2]
Server Info          Microsoft-IIS: [7.5, 6.0]
Time: 18.0 sec | Plugins: 65 | Urls: 324 | Fingerprints: 14178

  • Python 3
  • requests


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